Social work news
External news
10 months ago
Regional adoption practice strong, but challenges remain
Ofsted has today published a thematic review looking at how adoption services provided by regional adoption agencies RAAs contribute to good outcomes for children and families...
External news
11 months ago
Ofsted confirms plans for inspecting supported accommodation
Ofsted has today published guidance for inspecting providers of supported accommodation and the outcome of the consultation...
External news
1 year ago
Experts demand accelerated change in multi-agency safeguarding practice
A report assessing data from local safeguarding incidents in England will assist learning and drive improvement to help families and protect children...
External news
1 year ago
Regional improvement and innovation alliances: grant determination letters
An example of the section letter issued to the lead local authorities in each of the regional improvement and innovation alliances...
External news
1 year ago
Strengthening multi-agency leadership: grant determination letter
Letter detailing capacity funding to support the implementation of working together and the children's social care national framework...
External news
1 year ago
Ofsted launches consultation for inspecting supported accommodation
We are seeking views on proposals for how we will inspect supported accommodation for looked after children and care leavers aged to...
External news
1 year ago
Faith-based rehabilitation for drug abuse in Indonesia: A spiritual approach of social work
International Social Work Ahead of Print lt br gt Indonesia is in a state of drug emergency both for the misuse and the distribution of drugs Various institutions for drug abuse rehabilitation have been established including Islamic-based rehabilitation using ritual spiritualism aimed at replacing habits of drug use with habits of ritual Islamic religious practice Using a descriptive qualitative approach the study describes the rehabilitation process at a faith-based rehabilitation centre and analyses the process...
External news
1 year ago
Social work and funeral service: A proposed framework for practice
International Social Work Ahead of Print lt br gt Funeral services are related to the vital interests of human beings and are supposed to meet people's social psychological and spiritual needs More and more people from the funeral service industry have realized the importance of bringing helping professionals into the funeral service industry to fill in service gaps Based on the Strategies and Skills Learning and Development system a practice framework for funeral social work...
External news
1 year ago
Decentralised international development aid from municipalities: Exploring its added value, challenges and implications for international social work
International Social Work Ahead of Print lt br gt This study focuses on international development aid policies implemented by municipalities By proposing a theoretical framework and addressing the Spanish context it first explores the added value and the challenges involved with this kind of decentralised aid Second it discusses the implications in terms of the competencies required by social workers in order to leverage the potential of these aid policies The research draws on the...
External news
1 year ago
The link between burnout and social-occupational variables in Spanish social workers
International Social Work Ahead of Print lt br gt This study aims to relate the sociodemographic and work-related variables that characterize social work professionals with the presence or absence of burnout A single-group ex post facto prospective descriptive design questionnaire was created incorporating sociodemographic data and the Maslach Burnout Inventory The study involved members of professional social workers' associations in Spain The results indicated a burnout prevalence of among the participants and a strong tendency...