Social work news
External news
1 year ago

Are regional care co-operatives the answer to care placement challenge?

The last few years have seen a plethora of reports about the lack of appropriate placements for children in care and the dire outcomes that have followed These include children and young being placed far from loved-ones and social networks...
External news
1 year ago

Adults Social Worker Care Act Assessment Team (CAAsT)

https jobs communitycare co uk job adults-social-worker-care-act-assessment-team-caast-...
External news
1 year ago

Social Work Recap: #CareDay, campaign for neurodivergent staff and recruiting from overseas

In our new series Social Work Recap we present key social work news events conversations tweets and campaigns from the preceding week From a celebration of care experienced people to a campaign highlighting neurodivergent social workers' voices here's this week's...
External news
1 year ago

Adult social workers’ pay down over past decade amid hike in vacancies

Note There is a poll embedded within this post please visit the site to participate in this post's poll Average pay for council adults' social workers in England has fallen in real terms over the past decade annual workforce data...
External news
1 year ago

Social Work England to research profession’s recruitment and retention challenges

Social Work England is commissioning research into the profession's mounting recruitment and retention challenges particularly in councils It has issued a tender of up to for researchers to examine the key drivers of high vacancies and help it identify...
CSWM news
1 year ago

Do you have what it takes to ‘Step Up’ to social work?

The Step Up to Social Work programme is a unique opportunity to receive support while you are training to start a new career in social work
External news
1 year ago

‘It’s about being creative, to make a difference to that child’

I came into this job to have really close contact with children and make things change -- it was a no-brainer Emma Hibberd is discussing her motivations for accepting the role of lead manager -- residential care at Hampshire County...
External news
1 year ago

‘It’s about being creative, to make a difference to that child’

I came into this job to have really close contact with children and make things change -- it was a no-brainer Emma Hibberd is discussing her motivations for accepting the role of lead manager -- residential care at Hampshire County...
External news
2 years ago

Does the DfE’s care review response address the pressures behind social workers leaving their jobs?

In its long-awaited response to the care review the Department for Education DfE highlighted the urgency of addressing social work's increasing workforce challenges Evidence points to a need to act now to attract higher numbers of people to join rejoin...
External news
2 years ago

‘There’s a real sense of family – everyone understands the pressures and supports each other’

In Jayne came to a crossroads in her social work career Having always worked in permanent roles during an almost two-decade career she decided to take an agency post I didn't know if I wanted to remain in social...