Social work news
1 year ago
Did you know we’ve got a safeguarding hub which you can contact about any concerns or worries that you have about…
1 year ago
What @RobMitch92 said 👇🏻 - don’t forget your ID #vote #TakeID
1 year ago
Legal aid boost for special guardianship applicants
1 year ago
#NASW Member Voices: Can Social Workers Ethically and Legally Keep Clients when they Leave Their Agencies? When you…
1 year ago
RT @fufuisonme: Very sadden to hear awful the news of a Black Woman, #JohanitaDogbey that was murdered in Brixton on Monday. It was a rando…
1 year ago
Hi @everyone Do you use Life Story Books? We are taking a first look at Life Story books at the STAR programme th…
1 year ago
RT @ncbtweets: We stand with the 100+ organisations and individuals that have co-signed a letter to @chhcalling urging a rethink on planned…
1 year ago
Pleased to see @halfon4harlowMP’s #LifelongLearning Bill pass in Parliament today. This will do a huge amount to…
1 year ago
RT @UponLeaders: Whatever your learning style, the Aspirant Directors Programme will help you grow and develop as a leader. Our programme…
1 year ago
#NASW & @NASWMI filed Michigan Supreme Court amicus brief involving lesbian couple embroiled in child custody case.…